"We are all gears in the family machine. If one gear is stuck, we are all stuck."

Do you need to talk about your concerns with a loved one's behavior with-out feeling like you are being judged or judgmental?

Is it important that the person you talk to has first hand knowledge of addiction and they are able to help shed some light on how to understand the person with an addiction’s perspective?

Are the tools and know-how of self-care and staying strong eluding you?

Does the idea of tough love or loving detachment concern you and ultimately leaving you with more questions than answers?

Is the 12 step process or Al- Anon something that does not appeal to you or is outside of your comfort zone?

Let’s remedy that!

Over that past few years I have found that my perspective, personal experience and formal education on addiction have become a valuable resource for more than myself or the person dealing with substance abuse. The ability to help the family members, friends, and partners of those who suffer has transformed into one of my passionate pursuits. I have overcome active addiction myself, therefore I have first hand knowledge of the impact it has on the people we love the most. From this knowledge I am able to share a very objective and multi faceted viewpoint to those in need of understanding or simply getting a good night's sleep

Book your free consultation now and we discuss how you can help yourself. This is the best way that you can be there for someone else.  



One on One
Per session, package, and group rates are available. Packages include access to online interactive psychoeducational material and videos. 

Click below image to see fees.


Click below to listen to Dean share some do’s and don’ts of broaching the subject of substance use with a loved one.