Recovery Support Counselling

  Recovery Support Counselling is a combination of several aspects of recognized counselling methods, coaching, self care and personal development that can include health and fitness along with principles used within 12 step programs. When combining many of these methods we can tailor your overall well-being around your current life situation. In addition to accommodating your life goals and expanding personal development. Together we can create a custom recovery designed for use with any person that wishes to, or is practicing abstinence.

Online services available anywhere in Canada! Click the image below to book your free consultation.

Is addiction recovery support and counselling what you need?

Thank you for taking the next step in your overall well-being and happiness. Please take a minute to ask yourself some of the following questions.

  • Having issues with coping, depression, anxiety or are easily frustrated?

  • Feel like there is something missing in life but you cannot quite pinpoint what it is?

  • Fearfully that life without your substance is going to be boring and uneventful?

  • Not finding the enjoyment in hobbies and interests like you once did?

  • Since you are currently NOT using drugs or alcohol, do you feel that 12 step programs and or counseling are not needed?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable being a part of mutual aid groups or 12 step programs?

  • Currently having concerns in personal relationships with friends, family or coworkers?

If you have answered yes to most of these, then here are some of the thing we can accomplish together.

  • Visualize your goals and overcome the physical, mental and social barriers to personal achievement.

  • Build more positive relationships with family, friends, and coworkers by way of setting healthy boundaries and developing communication skills.

  • Review existing coping mechanisms, develop new healthy ones all while strengthening the positive ones you already have.

  • Help to manage your quality of life and time management by reviewing and accessing available community resources and supports.

  • Make changes to your daily routine that will ultimately help you to accomplish long term life objectives.

  • Train your mind to have an optimistic outlook on things allowing you to find the joy and gratitude that you once had in your day to day life.

  • Build on your already amazing accomplishment of staying free from drugs and alcohol and learn how to avoid isolation and navigate social situations with integrity and without fear.

  • Learn how giving back to the community and helping others can help you to have a life of fulfillment.

  • Maintain a natural, progressive and sustainable path of addiction recovery through self-monitoring.

  • Last but not least.....FREE Life-long educational online support via Webinars for Life.

Let's get started!  I have flexible one on one, evening, weekend and distance appointments available that include telephone and online video chat services available. If you would like to know more about why this is my passion, please check out the About Me page. This passion is rooted in my role of being a helper so actively giving back is important to me.